Forever Knight Wiki
Name Withheld 2
Died July 2021
(archived) Official website

Name Withheld 2 was a prolific author of Forever Knight fan fiction, and a former moderator of the FORKNI-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU mailing list. Under the pseudonym "Cinderella", they were the warleader for War Eight. From 1998 to 2002, they kept an archive of Forever Knight screen captures for the use of other fans on their websites. They also created the Forever Knight True Type font, based on the font used in the series logo, and were heavily involved in the design and construction of the database and website for the original version of the FK Fan Fiction Site at[1]

Name Withheld 2 has asked that their real name and/or pseudonyms not be associated with this article or their fan fiction. Name Withheld has therefore been substituted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

On 6 July 2021, Jean Prior notified the FORKNI-L list members of Name Withheld 2's death.

The Passing of One of Our Own

It is with deep sorrow that I inform you of the passing of one of our former listowners.  We knew them as [redacted], aka [redacted], but they left those names behind years ago when they reinvented themselves.  I had the fortune of meeting them once at DragonCon in the early 2000s, but when they left our company, I lost touch with them.

I ran across them again a few years ago in the Lord of the Rings Online player community under the name Wayward Plane, where we both served as content creators allowed to stream gameplay on the Standing Stone Games official game channel on Twitch.  I still fondly remember casually mentioning the list in the context of some conversation or other and then getting a rather incredulous (and profane) private message identifying themselves.  They had become an integral part of the rocket launch enthusiast scene down in Florida, attending (or simply watching) numerous flights from Kennedy Space Center and being well-known amongst folks such as ULA's Tory Bruno.

While things were not perfect under their tenure as listowner, they did improve their lot and wisdom in the intervening years, and I was glad to have their company online playing a much beloved game together and with friends.  Their passing diminishes both their primary fandoms, and I for one shall miss them.

List Founder and Instigator of Shenanigans.

For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see Category:Works by Name Withheld 2.

Fan Fiction[]

The following stories are listed chronologically by the date posted or published.




(no date)[]

External Links[]

List of References[]

  1. Info from personal website (archived).