Forever Knight Wiki
Talking Points
Author vorpalblades
Date 28 July 2013
Where posted FK Fic Fest
Rating/Warning PG13
Genres Ficathons, drama,Last Knight story
Format short story
Archive Location

Story Recap[]

He turns around the corner one night, and there she is.


Written as a gift for leela_cat in FK Fic Fest 2013 (released 2 August). The story was beta'ed by oddishly. Length: 1582 words.

Written to the prompt: "Sometimes love and understanding are found in the most unexpected of places/people."


  • "Nearly twenty years later, it’s impossible to tell who is avoiding who. Nick still has a standing deal with Aristotle that he warn Nick if LaCroix so much as thinks of setting foot in the same country as him, but there hasn’t been a single call. He moves on every five years like clockwork, steers clear of any jobs that might put him in the spotlight, and does everything he can to keep under the radar."

See Also[]
